How to Best Honor of Mercury Retrograde
Mar 04, 2019Here we go. We are about to embark on a powerful portal come Wednesday 3/6/19 and there’s no denying that this is the medicine we’ve been praying for. When we talk about astrology, this isn’t the fate killer, rather, this is a time to harness the energy of the cosmic influence that’s here to support us. Life is always happening for us, not to us. Since 2019 has the opportunity to be a massive year of growth, success, and opportunity, I want you to understand that you have the power to work with these cosmic forces to support you on your mission to anchor Heaven on Earth as you go forth and unleash your medicine with the world.
Wednesday, March 6th 2019 is filled with so many blessings!
Uranus in Taurus.
Mercury Retrograde.
New Moon in Pisces.
Neptune + Vesta conjunct the Sun + Moon.
March is a time of detox and purification and the planets are here to help us. So what does all this planetary jargon mean. Well, Uranus in Taurus is all about FREEDOM. For 7 years, we’ve been waiting for this! With Taurus being a powerful earth sign, it’s time for you to really get grounded when it comes to money, the environment, sustainability, and all things that actually matter in this human experience. Thing is, we are the revolution and Uranus has our back. These 7 years may be challenging, but if we’re steadfast and passionate behind the advancement of our planet and ecosystem in all facets, good things are on the horizon.
With Neptune, Vesta, the Sun and Moon all conjunct, meaning that they are all next to each other, they are coming together for this symbiotic relationship to help! Neptune is also ruled by Pisces. With Neptune and Vesta conjunct, see this as a beautiful time for giving. You are here to be the conduit to truly harness the anchoring of Heaven on Earth. Vesta is an astroid goddess who is devotional and capable of being a powerful container to sustain and allow Spirit to do its thing. Neptune is here to help us liberate ourselves by tapping in to the guidance deep within. This is a time to reclaim your sensuality, your sexuality, and the religious conditioning that has done it’s best to shame you to truly express yourself. This is a time to truly honor your devotion to your spiritual self and your sacred calling. Vesta is the goddess of hearth, home and family, so tend that sacred fire within yourself to bless up our human family and our home… EARTH! Of course, this time of year also coincides with the Catholic season of Lent that prepares for the resurrection of Yeshua with the Kickoff of Ash Wednesday that just happens to land on the same day as this planetary juju day. With the burnt remnants of palm fronds from Palm Sunday from the previous year placed on the third eye, it’s a time of fasting and repentance until the first Sunday after the first Full Moon of the Spring Equinox known as Easter.
New Moon in the mystical sign of Pisces is here to help us really honor our intuition. To do that, we must begin to foster a healthy relationship with ourselves, Spirit, and our soul’s inner wisdom. The Universe always has our back and our intuition is our greatest blessing. It always steers us in the right direction. Plant the seeds for this new beginning. Spring is around the corner and the rebirth is about to go DOWN.
Healing your Relationship with Mercury Retrograde
In mainstream astrology, people give so much shit to Mercury Retrograde. As someone who is Mercury…. Sun conjunct Jupiter in Gemini, Moon in Virgo, Taurus in Gemini, I know part of my work here is to help the reputation of Mercury. This planet of communication, Mercury is a powerful one. As I talk about in my courses THRIVE and Taxes for Creatives, each day is ruled by a different planet and Mercury rules Wednesday. There’s no accident that we can begin to have a better relationship with Mercury Retrograde by understanding Mercury Retrograde. It has a bad rap for everything going haywire. Thing is, it’s your belief around Mercury Retrograde that allows it to go haywire. You are giving away your power to something you’re designing to be a hindrance rather than a support.
With Mercury Retrograde, yes, it looks like the planet is spinning backwards based on how close it is to the earth, but truth is, Mercury Retrograde is a blessing. How so? It’s a time for you to slow down and get your ducks in a row. We live in a modern technological world where people have become so dependent on technology, that we forget to slow down and smell the roses. Mercury Retrograde is a time for you to get those projects finished that you’ve left dangling. What happens is that because you haven’t followed through with projects you’ve started on who knows how long ago, your energy is still there. This is a beautiful time to call back in your energy and power so that you can flow and show up fully present. And let’s face it, there’s no time to half ass anything right now. The world needs your medicine meaning the world is ready to experience you to your fullest capacity. See this as a blessing from the Universe to get in alignment as you go forth and up level your human experience.
With Mercury Retrograde being in watery Pisces, we have to really honor the emotions that may arise to the surface to be healed and transmuted. Remember, happening for you, not to you. You’ll begin to create the S P A C E for the good things coming. With that comes the heads up. SELF LOVE IS CRUCIAL. Practice discernment because Pisces does carry a lot of truth behind the fact that things can always be happening and brewing below the surface. Use this time to shield and protect your energetic field often. Some of my favorite ways to do that involve working with the Smoke Signals bundle, doing Kundalini Yoga, and of course, calling in my guides, more specifically Jesus because all evil and dark energy runs away as soon as you call on Him. See this time as a beautiful time to learn how to honor your boundaries better by valuing your self worth.
Because the veil is very thin right now, I wanted to share with you ways for you to truly harness the energy of this powerful season we’re about to dive into. I’m telling you, this season is the answer to your prayers. You have the power to harness this Mercury Retrograde to truly uplevel yourself and your mission on this planet. We are on the precipice of Spring here in the Northern Hemisphere and with Aries season coming through to share the Spring Equinox on the 20th with the third and final supermoon of 2019, Libra is helping us with back to back full moon experience this year. Between now and April 19th, we’ll be embarking on a journey to instill balance to our relationships and the world. Understand that how you do one thing is how you do all things. Your relationship to all facets of your human experience matter. This Mercury Retrograde, see this as a time to prepare you for all the goodness you’ve been busting your ass to actualize and experience. It’s going to take you putting in a little extra effort, but know that if you put your heart and soul into it, all things are possible. Now is the time for you to take action and to live out your divine mission.
Permission to go within
Because my Sun, Moon, Jupiter, and Taurus are all ruled by mercury, I use this time to communicate with my highest self through deep self reflection. Give yourself permission to go within and organize your thoughts, your action steps and the projects you’ve been brushing aside. During this time, become more conscious of your daily actions, the habits you’ve been doing and get radically honest with yourself if they are in your best interest or not. Heal your relationship with yourself by making sure you’re honoring your basic needs, respecting what resonates with you as your truth, and honoring your boundaries.While this is definitely not the time to start new projects, give yourself permission and space to finish what’s been unresolved. The art of forgiveness is everything now. The pent of anger and resentment isn’t serving anyone, especially you. Turn the page and give yourself an extra dose of self-love this time around.
Restore Humanity through small acts of Kindness.
I know you’ve been practicing the Kondo Method of going through your whole house to see what sparks joy. Maybe along the way, you found yourself with a stack of mismatched socks and a shit ton of left over glass bottles. As I mentioned, the veil is thin and the dark energy of jealousy may be coming to the forefront. Silly dark forces. Love will always win! I invite you to find those mismatched socks and see which ones are kinda the same size. Instead of throwing them away, gather those socks and fill those water bottles with water and share them with a houseless person. The #1 thing Thrift Stores DON'T see often are socks! These houseless people living on the streets are in tennis shoes with no socks. We all know how uncomfortable and cold that can be! Since we are still in winter season, help a brother and sister out by sharing with them your abundance! The more we instill kindness on the planet, the more we can experience more of it on the planet and let’s face it, we can all see more kindness in the world right now. Bonus points if you buy them a meal!
Detox your Sacred Temple within and without.
As Vesta is the goddess and priestess who is here to help us honor our sacred temples, use this Mercury Retrograde to detox all areas of your life. Clean up your Instagram. Delete old pictures on your phone and files on your computer. Go through that closet if you haven’t already. Clean your body with a cleanse. This is a time to prepare for our rebirth. Spring is a coming! Clear out what doesn’t serve. Make peace with your past. Cut off the dead leaves and allow the new growth to happen. For me, I’m about to dive back into another Liver and Gallstone flush to purge out old anger.
Honor Your Sensuality
This is also an invitation to respect your body and your sensuality. Best believe, you’ll find me working with my Yoni Egg to heal the sexual repression I experienced after years growing up in the Church. Working alongside the Virgin Priestess of Vesta this season, Yoni Eggs are powerful tools to activate your Sacral and your Creative Juices. You are here to communicate your creativity. Let’s face it, art will save the world. By fostering a healthy relationship with your Yoni, you’ll begin to birth in your visions, goals, and dreams. Whether you’re working with a Rose Quartz Yoni Egg to heal the heart, strengthen empathy, and unconditional love, or you’re working with a Tiger’s Eye Yoni Egg to transmute fear and anxiety to instill harmony and balance, this is the time to share with the world your creativity and your power. You can pick up your Yoni Egg here.
Honor all the re-’s
Reread. Revisit. Reasess. Realign. Recall. Review. Renew. Redecorate. Go back and take your time. Really feel into what’s in front of you. Create that breathing space and align to the version of you you see yourself experiencing and embodying as you call in and experience your desires. Go within and give yourself time. Redirect your energy and revisit those projects you’ve been putting off so that you can get all your ducks in a row to feel supported as you go forth and SLAY.
Slow down and smell the Roses
We know Mercury Retrograde has a bad rap for shit hitting the fan, but babe, just SLOW DOWN. Think before you speak. Take the time to really honor the blessing of the present moment. Finish what you’ve started my love. See the blessings that surround you that you get to do these projects and begin to really honor them with your time, your energy, your love.
See, Mercury Retrograde is the ultimate blessing. Use this Mercury Retrograde to take the time to strategically prep to share your gifts with the world, unapologetically. Remember, no one carries medicine quite like yours. What practices are you living out and implementing this Mercury Retrograde? Share with us in the comments below. The time is now for you to show the world just what you’re made of!
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