
from the priestess palace inspiration sabrina riccio shadow work shamanessa goddessa spirit medicine May 08, 2016
What I'm about to say to you is simple.
Where you are is perfect. Who you are is perfect.
The past is done. A distant memory.
Stop tainting your magnificence and your future.
Focusing on the mistakes of your past no longer serves.
You are beautiful, ray of light who has touched so many.
The world needs you, love.
Stop beating yourself up for something you did or didn't do.
Surrender. Let it go.
Maybe you hurt yourself. a lover. a friend.
Maybe you didn't take the risk. Maybe you didn't know when to stop.
It's okay. Let it go.
It happened to teach you and others an important lesson.
To help you grow. To give you the wisdom to carry on.
Always remember, it's always darkest before the dawn.
Years from now you'll be able to look back.
See now how this is all unfolding for the highest good.
In the meantime, don't be afraid to ask for help.
Take this time to really slow down and find stillness.
Become reacquainted with your soul.
Realign with your values.
Be assured that all is perfect and well.
Forgive yourself and forgive others. We've all been doing the best we can.
See yourself where you are. See others where they are.
Lots is coming up to be healed, so be gentle.
We are all growing and transcending the pain and suffering.
Prepare yourself for the beauty in store, my love.
You are so loved and so appreciated.
Please, don't allow the illusions to bring you down.
Focus on the light of your soul.
Remember how much you touch others.
Find gratitude for all that is about to come your way. Find gratitude for this moment.
Keep the faith. Stay the course.
Surrender what no longer serves to be transmuted and transformed.
And do yourself a favor and love yourself unconditionally.
xx Sabrina

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