awaken the goddess divine feminine mary magdalene sacred union shamanessa goddessa twin flame unconditional love Jul 22, 2016

Today, we celebrate the feast of my personal favorite goddess, Mary Magdalene. Growing up Catholic, I always heard about Mary Magdalene, but it wasn’t until I began to really learn about her was I able to understand the love and unwavering compassion this goddess truly brought. Now, she is by far one of my most important guides I call on when I need to return to that space of Unconditional Love.

“The path to the new earth is simple. No guilt. No shame. No regrets.”


Being one of the most misunderstood disciples of Jesus, Mary Magdalene represents unconditional love. As a student of Queen Isis’ Mystery School, this high priestess understood alchemy and came here to help shift the collective consciousness. Her partnership with Jesus made them the power couple of their time. Her relationship with Jesus is one of the greatest Twin Flame Sacred Relationships. These alchemists stood the test of time, coming out stronger than ever when they were together. Their love was unstoppable, a presence so strong, many nonbelievers were threatened by their light. Even though she was ridiculed, she forgave. She loved Jesus well after his passing, for their love stood beyond time and space.

As we embark on the Egyptian New Year, may we anchor in peace and unconditional love. Rise up from the darkness and allow the light that radiates from your heart to shine onto the planet. Begin by loving yourself unconditionally. As the Sun enters leo, allow your inner Wild Woman to roar. Stand your ground and take pride for being the incredible lightworker you are! You are here to help shift the paradigm into a place where there is unconditional love + compassion. You are here, right here, right now, to soar to new heights, to love one another, and to share your light with the world.

Never forget, you can always call upon Mary Magdalene for love and support as you go your way. She stood up against the patriarchy. She was a wild woman to stayed true to her light. She reminds us to release any bonds that hold us back. She reminds us to persevere and to never give up. She reminds us to value what’s really important. She reminds us that when the world is trying to break you down, stay true to your heart. Love when it's hard. Love when it's light. Love is love.

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