Kundalini Yoga 101 | Tuning in + Activating Your Experience

aquarian priestess kundalini kundalini mantras kundalini yoga teachings tuning in Aug 21, 2018

For the past four years, Kundalini Yoga has changed my life. Since this practice came into my awareness, it's safe to say my life has forever shifted. Kundalini Yoga is the Yoga of Awareness. Since we are living in times where people are being called to align to their highest selves, practices like Kundalini Yoga can take us there. You can shift your energy and become a vibrational match to what it is you desire in as little as 3 minutes thanks to Kundalini Yoga. 

In the video below, I'm sharing with you how you can tune in to create the sacred container to perform your favorite Kundalini Meditations. I often find myself tuning in when I step into challenging situations, big meetings, or going out in public spaces to protect my energy and call forth the Golden Chain of Ascendant Masters and my ancestors to guide me and be with me as I go forth and radiate my radness with the world.


After tuning in, let me know how it feels below. I know for me, I instantly feel high. What about you?

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